Getting started
The normal year has the MSBA registrations opening up on the 1st of Feb. These registrations are now done on competition suite and have made the job of the contest director a TON easier. Competition suite is a web based application and can be found at the following URL: competitionsuite.com
In order to gain access to this website, you will need to send an email to Brian McDonough @ bmcdonough@kingslocal.net as he is the current admin for this application (and a WEALTH of knowledge when you have questions).
Host Fee
It is also during this timeframe that you will ask your treasurer to send in the host fee to mid-states so that your competition shows up as confirmed on the mid-states website (the fee has to be paid regardless).
Mid-States website can be found at the link below. Use this website to find links to other show’s websites and to give out to parents so that they can see the same.
You will also use this site to familiarize yourself with the mid-states rules (print them out to have them with you on the day of your event!)
February / March
We contract our competition judges through Central States Judges Association (CSJA). Usually a couple months into February, you will receive an email from them as we are a past show host that has contracted them for their services. This form is filled out by you (the contest director), in conjunction with the band director (in case there are requested changes), and sent to the LBPA treasurer for submission along with a check for admin fee. Currently, this fee is $300 if paid before April 1st and goes up to $350 is paid after.